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ferrari gtb ›  ›  › Power (670 cv), engine and vehicle response times (0.8 s and 0.06 s respectively) give the 488 GTB a unique character and guarantee unmatched driving pleasure to drivers of all abilities. To achieve this result, Ferrari drew on its experience in both F1 and GT racing
The full name is Ferrari 599 GTB Fiorano HGTE. An upgrade that improves the car's handling, meaning Handling Gran Turismo Evoluzione, includes a modified setup with stiffer springs and rear antiroll bar as well as new calibration settings for the Delphi …
The Ferrari 308 GTB berlinetta and targa topped 308 GTS are V8 midengined, 2seater sports cars manufactured by the Italian company Ferrari from 1975 to 1985. The 308 replaced the Dino 246 GT and GTS in 1975 and was updated as the 328 in 1985. The similar 208 GTB
Ferrari 488 GTB Extreme performance for extreme driving thrills Explore Ferrari California T Sporty, elegant, versatile Explore 快速連結 熱銷車款 新聞與活動 原廠認證中古車 Request a Test Drive Do you want an appointment for a test drive with our cars on the
All the official Ferrari brand content: dedicated websites for our cars, sporting activities and official products from the Store Created with Sketch. 70 th Anniversary Auto Racing Experience online store News Corporate USA AUTO Shift to the 12th dimension
By TestDriferrari gtbven · 2 min · 470K views2015/3/3 · Video embedded · The Ferrari 488 GTB was unveiled today at the 2015 Geneva Motor Show. On its official debut at the Geneva Motor Show, the Ferrari 488 GTB sets a new benchmar
法拉利 599 GTB Fiorano是法拉利於2006年推出的GT跑車,用於取代法拉利575M跑車。2013年被法拉利F12 Berlinetta所取代。 599 GTB首次展出是在2006年的日內瓦車展。
Welcome to Ferrari's Official Website, providing all info, videos and photos of Ferrari GT and sports cars, as well as news regarding services and events. Ongoing Heritage Viewed internationally as the pinnacle of Made in Italy excellence, the Ferrari brand has ›  ›  ›  › The result is the most powerful and innovative Ferrari Spider ever built, a car that marries the extraordinary prowess of the 488 GTB coupé’s midrear V8 with the joy of tackling even the most challenging roads surrounded by nature’s heady aromas and colours and
1 day ago2017/8/12 · Although we usually pay for our own travel expenses, for this trip, Ferrari provided a night's accommodation in Stockbridge, Massachusetts. LAKEVILLE, Conn.—Anyone lucky enough to be shopping for a midengined supercar in 2017 has quite the array of possibilities before them. There's the
40年前,Ferrari推出旗下首款中置V8引擎、後輪驅動設定的308 GTB,今天、為了向經典看齊,它們再度將新世代中置V8後驅的入門超跑冠上「GTB」之名,並於自家Fiorano賽
By EVO · 11 min · 849K views2015/6/8 · Video embedded · Can Ferrari's new 488 GTB match the brilliant F40 and stunning 458 Speciale? Jethro Bovingdon drives all three to discover if Ferrari has created …
Ferrari 488 GTB: extreme performance for extreme driving thrills. Modena Motori Taiwan Co. Ltd 190 RuiGuang Road, Taipei, Taiwan, 11491 電話: +886 2 2627 5990 傳真: +886 2 2627 1245 版權所有 2017 版權所有
Ferrari最強中置後驅488 GTB,等你來挑戰330km/h以上極速表現!!|友順汽車 歐係總代理專賣|Yahoo中古車
2015/2/3 · Can you feel the generational shift? That change in the supercar game comes from Ferrari, which has unveiled its new eightcylinder, midengine sportscar standardbearer, and the successor to the muchloved 458 Italia sees the insanerevving, naturally aspirated V8 retired in favor of a
以引擎每缸排氣量488c.c.之「488」與「Gran Turismo Berlinetta (雙門GT跑車)」之縮寫「GTB」為名的488 GTB,是Ferrari用以取代458車係之新世代中置引擎後驅超跑,外觀空力設計大量導入Ferrari擷取自賽車場上的技術與經驗,既保有Ferrari一貫的優雅,側麵線條
A fine 1:8 largescale collector’s model of the Ferrari 488 GTB unveiled to the public at the Geneva Motor Show in March 2015. Forty years on from the 308 GTB in 2015 the prancing horse opened a new chapter in its 8 cylinder history. The 488 GTB name marked …
Ferrari車係 ferrari gtb 在Yahoo汽車機車,您可以查詢各廠牌完整的車係及車款資料、價格與配備,線上挑選比較,獲得最新優惠資訊,並且瀏覽各廠牌最新的車訊情報和試駕車評。
The Ferrari Configurator lets you build your own Ferrari 488 GTB down to the last detail
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www.carandferrari › Check out the Ferrari 488GTB review at Use our Car Buying Guide to research Ferrari 488GTB prices, specs, photos, videos, and more. New Cars Acura Fiat Lexus Porsche Alfa Romeo Ford Lincoln Ram Aston Martin
488 GTB車身外ferrari gtb觀,雖然仍可以看出其延續458 Italia雙門跑車的姿態,但其實造型已改由Ferrari設計中心操刀,且為了提升其整體操控表現與散熱功率,設計師不但於前保險桿下緣加裝雙層導流器,透過雙層設計來提升兩側的散熱效率,中央則是加入兩道垂直
1975年,Ferrari推出首部搭載V8引擎的MR跑車308 GTB,自此開啟了中置式V8引擎序章,四十年來,Ferrari陸續推出328 GTB、348 GTB、F355 Berlinetta、360 Modena、F430與458 Italia等車型,每一款皆屬當代跑車領域之經典,而持續進化的性能輸出與操控
雖然植入了旗下限量超跑Enzo Ferrari的V12心臟,並藉以獲得620匹最大馬力,以及超越330km/h的極速表現;不過,受限於前置引擎、後輪驅動的FR設定,儘管599 GTB Fiorano已是Ferrari創廠以來、奔馳速度最快的GT超跑,但麵對越來越多對手的指名挑 …
2015/7/3 · 2015年7 月3日 台灣 – 繼今年3月日內瓦國際車展、4月上海國際車展後,萬眾矚目、全新一代的Ferrari法拉利中置V8跑車488 GTB於今日(7/3)在台灣首度盛大發表,續寫40年前Ferrari法拉利首款中置V8後驅跑車308 GTB傳奇,開創全新中置V8
無論是奔牛或躍馬,牠們的一舉一動總牽引著車迷的心。比市場預期的時間更早了一季,法拉利(Ferrari)旗下中置跑車F458 Italia的後繼車雙門GT新作品488 GTB,7月3日提前來台報到,堪稱法拉利史上最強的中置後驅V8超跑,總代理台灣蒙地拿開出1381萬元的
8891新車Ferrari/法拉利 488 GTB頻道為您提供Ferrari/法拉利 汽車的新車價格,新款車型,深度解析,規格配備,實拍圖片,車友評價,專業試駕等內容,幫助您多角度、客觀的瞭解這款
臺灣時間2015年2月3日晚間,Ferrari依約讓全新V8雙門超跑曝光,其正式名稱並非各界推測的458 M或是M458 T,而是以488 GTB之名正式曝光,3.9升V8雙渦輪增壓動力可爆發出 › Read the latest Ferrari 488 Gtb news and browse our full collection of Ferrari 488 Gtb articles, photos, press releases and related videos. Ferrari has been honored as the Best of the Best in the 2016 Red Dot Awards for the second year running as the 488 GTB
40年前,躍馬品牌開創性推出V8中置後驅車型308 GTB,一時成為Ferrari將賽車技術運用到道路跑車的經典。而今,秉承對極致完美的不懈追求,Ferrari再次譜寫V8跑車歷史全新篇章。即將推出的全新車型Ferrari 488 GTB,將突出的賽道級性能與即時的操控完美
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Ferrari 488 GTB. 6,963 likes · 4 talking about this. Ferrari 488 GTB THE FERRARI 488 SPIDER:SUPERB PERFORMANCE AND EFFORTLESS DRIVING FOR MAXIMUM DROPTOP FUN Extreme performance and exhilarating droptop driving pleasure: that’s
Der Ferrari 275 GTB/4 wurde erstmals 1964 auf der Paris Auto Show vorgestellt. Er ist mit Sicherheit einer der schönsten Ferrari, den Pininfarina je designed hat. Unser Modell ist eine äusserst akurate Nachbildung und ist mit vielen Features ausgestattet, wie zu
Get the latest on new Ferrari 488 GTB models including first drives, indepth reviews, concept car photos, new features, recalls and more. News
History of the Ferrari 328 GTB Pininfarina’s original design oft he 308 models, which was still both attractive and elegant, was revised to further improve the aerodynamic characteristics. The 328 GTB model, together with the targa roof 328 GTS variant, were …
2017/1/25 · isCar! Ferrari中置V8渦輪版的488 GTB自前年中旬推出之後,即使670ps、77.50kgm輸出還比不上高階版的F12、LaFerrari,但挾著渦輪引擎一貫升級空間較大的優勢,也成為最轟動改裝界的Ferrari車款!問世一年多以來,這款「渦輪馬」不但動力有突破900hp門檻的
2017/2/16 · Ferrari builds three types of cars: sports cars, Grand Touring or "GT" cars, and of course rare and exotic hypercars, such as the current LaFerrari, which sells for more than a million bucks. Of these three, without question the most important for Ferrari's reputation are the sports cars. The only
2015/2/3&nferrari gtbbsp;· There’s been a lot of commotion around Ferrari’s decision to turbocharge the California, one that created a new departure from the company’s naturally aspirated leanings. If you’re among those that got a little upset over the forcedinduction treatment received by the California, despite
19291947 在1929年創辦法拉利車隊時,恩佐·法拉利原本無意製造跑車,他隻作為業餘車手的贊助人。法拉利以改裝愛快羅密歐的跑車成功參與賽事,至1938年,他被愛快羅密歐聘請作為賽車部的主管。 1940年,恩佐得悉愛快羅密歐計劃把其心愛的法拉利車隊
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2017/8/9 · 40年前,躍馬品牌開創性推出V8中置後驅車型308 GTB,一時成為法拉利將賽車技術運用到民用跑車的經典。而今,秉承對極致完美的不懈追求,法拉利再次譜寫V8跑車的歷史全新篇章。即將推出的全新車型法拉利488 GTB,將突出的賽道級性能與及時的
2016/10/13 · Video embedded · In other words, you'd be forgiven for expecting the 488 GTB, Ferrari's 458 followup, to be something less than stellar. But, I'm very glad to report that is not the case. The 488 is everything you could want, nothing more, nothing less. …
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Ferrari 488 GTB: extreme performance for extreme driving thrills. Forza Motors 456 Dosandaero (6 Chungdamdong), Gangnamgu, Seoul, Seoul, 135949 전화번호: (+82) 234330808 팩스: (+82) 25153547

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